Thursday, April 22, 2010

Good Again.

I don't know if I will every be able to get comfortable with my checkups at Sloan but alas, I am good for another 6 months..In lieu of all my anxiety, Dan and I spent a beautiful day in the city. The doctor was running about an hour behind so we took advantage of the beautiful weather and did our power walk. It was not easy to navigate through the people, but needless to say, it did wonders for my mental state..
Once again, I asked Dr. King how to deal with this mess and she said, once again, get on with your life and don't look back..
Have a wonderful day everyone..

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Exchange Surgery

My exchange surgery took place on February 8th. Everything went great. Today, Dan and I went back into to the city for my post-op visit and to have the drains removed. After much unnecessary anxiety, everything went off without a hitch. Dr. Cordiaro is very pleased and doesn't need to see me for another two months. In the mean time, I need to lay low until all the stitches dissolve and everything has settled into place.
Once again, I must say, God is good.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

It's Hard To Believe

A little over a year ago, the doctors told me that they would need about a year of my life.. Well, they got it. As that time is coming to an end, I am preparing myself for my final surgery. This one, is just for cosmetics. Although the anxiety is building, I am so happy to be where I am now. Surgery is set for Monday , Feb. 8th. I feel great, strong and ready for this to be over. Although I will have to take time off of work, I know that this time it is for good reasons and will be for only a few weeks. I will keep you posted..

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Once again, I sigh a big sign of relief.... "YOUR PERFECT" were the words Sloan said.. Music to my ears, tears to my eyes and a huge THANK YOU TO GOD for once again answering my prayers..

Monday, October 12, 2009

Busy Days

I know that it has been a long time since my last post but things have been quite crazy around here. I am feeling great and back to work and loving it.. The kids have all adjusted nicely and are busy with after school activities, CCD , homework, etc..

Since my last blog,I have had an infected elbow that turned out to be quite an ordeal.. After a couple of weeks, two trips to the emergency room, oral antibiotics and 4 shots of antibiotics, it is finally clear. After that I ended up with a slight cold but nothing alarming. My hair is growing like nothing I have ever seen. CURLY!!!CURLY!! CURLY!! I have learned that I must put an incredible amount of gel on it each day or else it grows!! I used to look like Mr. Brady but these days, I resemble the Fresh Price of Bel Aire. It gives both myself and my family many laughs!
Be careful what you wish for.... I wished for hair and boy did I get it!
Today I went for my blood work. It is hard to believe that it is once again time to take a trip to Sloan for a checkup. I should have my results by Thursday. The results of the blood work will let me know that everything is fine. This way, when I go to Sloan, I have nothing to worry about.. No surprises. Monday 10/1 I meet with the oncologist as well as the surgeon. I have to go back in on Tuesday 10/20 to meet with the plastic surgeon. Hopefully, we will be able to schedule my exchange surgery.. I will keep you posted.

In the mean time, we have Halloween parties, hockey games and the Breast Cancer walk in Point Pleasant. My parents are looking to come for a visit as well as both my brothers..

Fright Fest is on at Great Adventure and they are all anxious to experience the thrills..

All in all- Life is Good/ Great!

Say a quick prayer that all is well with my blood work and I will keep you posted.

Friday, September 4, 2009


I have officially made it back to work! School started on Wednesday 9/2 for me. As of today, I have 2 days under my belt! Feeling great and loving being back in the mix!
Hope that everyone and their children have a GREAT school year.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Happy or Sad ???

Just got off the phone with the nurse from Dana-Farber. It looks like I will not be eligible for the clinical study that involves chemo. The study is not going to start realistically until the earliest November. Since that is the case, I will miss the 6 month window from surgery until the study starts. I really don't know how I feel about this. I did however have a very in depth conversation with the nurse in regards to the exercise and diet portion of the study. I need to have moderate exercise for at least 180 minutes a week and have a very low fat diet. I have been walking about 3 miles a day, so that is great but as far as the low fat diet...I need to get busy on that. As far the chemo they would have put me on, they are not even close to knowing if it helps triple negative breast cancer or not. This too makes me have mixed emotions..
Anyway, everything is going great here.. Enjoying the last few weeks of summer. Hope you are too.

As an afterthought, I want you all to know that my computer crashed about 3 weeks ago. I have since bought a laptop but have lost all your email addresses... Help!